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Classroom project "Travelers"

Classroom project “Travelers”

Many have built on previously tested and working with the vintage Pirates or Owls. I worked on the classroom project in advance during the summer and used proven tips and tricks for Class projects and project teaching.

Class project – Motivation, goals

The whole-class development and journey went from the individual islands inhabited by the children to the island with the treasure. This time I had an “inherited” class, so we needed to “tune in” together. Since the motivation with the mascot raccoon has taken over, we keep it for another year.

Diary and class card

The first pages of the monthly, this year for the first time was written diary for raccoons, which traveled after a week among children, worked as a traveler diary, where it is daily marked how the children enjoyed and perceived the day, but also that as the teacher sees him. The class is decorated with a large traveling map for travelers, a ceramic and plush mascot.

Tomáš Musiol

I am not a teacher, I have never taught at school and I do not plan to do so in the near future. I am interested in modern technologies in education and digitization of toys of all kinds.

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Jste začínající učitel a čeká Vás začátek nového školního roku na 1. stupni základní školy a máte obavy z toho, co Vás čeká, na co se připravit, co raději ignorovat? 

Poslední dobou dostávám podobné dotazy, proto jsem se rozhodla, že budu pořádat kurz pro začínající učitele a online konzultace, kde můžeme osobně probrat Vaše konkrétní dotazy, na které ráda zodpovím na základě své zkušenosti z dlouholeté praxe ve školství.